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Jazz Improvisation Class Syllabus

Course: Beginning Jazz Improvisation (Mus 5.1a)

Class #: 8357

Description: an exploration of the techniques of spontaneous melodic composition and improvisation based on the scales and chords used in jazz

Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor; fundamental music terminology; fundamental music reading and notation; fundamental understanding of intervals, major scales, and key signatures; fundamental instrumental technique-the ability to play all 12 major scales non-stop at a medium tempo.

Days and Times: M-Th 7:30-9:55 am

Instructor: Pete Estabrook

Contact information: is withheld here due to spam threat (please go to this page to contact the instructor)

Office Hours: By appointment in a room TBA (As an adjunct, the instructor does not have a office.)

General Considerations:

Each student must be officially registered and enrolled in the class in order to attend class meetings.

Each student who meets the enrollment requirement, is entitled to printed musical parts (for which they are completely and solely responsible for and required to bring to each meeting) and expected to attend 4 weekly class meetings for 6 weeks.

Class participation involves: demonstrated verbal and musical participation, musical assignment preparation (as outlined verbally by the instructor during class)-including: study and application of scales; chords; licks; II-V patterns; performance ear training; scale, chord, guide tone, or bass part writing; chord progressions; analytical listening to recorded models; pre-written solo transcription study, memorization of melodies and forms as needed.

There will be weekly homework assignments. Each homework assignment will be worth 20 points and may include: writing scales, chords, guide tones, and various licks. Homework is specific to the "unit" being studied during the week and are (generally) given on Thursday of each week and are to be returned the following Monday at the beginning of class.

Grades are based on an objective points scale following the standard A=90%, B=80%, C=70%, D=60%.

Additional Grading Information:

General Facility Information: